The recent Colmar Brunton PROJECT HARVEST Report conducted for Horticulture Innovation Australia cites strong demand for farmers’ market vegetables. Research results show that the highest consumer rating for ‘perceived freshness’ occurs at markets. On their scale markets rate a very healthy 8.1/10 compared to greengrocers at 7.4/10 and supermarkets ranging from 6.3 to 5.4/10.
They also report on shoppers future vegetable purchasing intentions ie where they plan to shop for their vegies. Remarkably 33% of the respondents intend to shop in future at a farmers’ market (and another 7% direct from the growers).
The other pleasing result is the fact that shoppers indicated a willingness to pay more for Australian grown vegetables. Over 60% indicated they would pay 50c – $1.50 more.
All of which adds up to very good news for farmers’ market vegetable growers – and points to the need to recruit more growers to meet growing consumer demand.
For more information, please contact: Jane Adams on 0417 733 715 or